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Copyright Policy

Create Yours is an on-demand printing company that helps others to make their own clothes and accessories for themselves or even to make money by selling their products. We take care of the printing, packaging, and shipping and you can focus on the fun stuff, creating designs, and growing your business.

Surely, we hope our customers enjoy their POD journey with Create Yours. At the same time, we take copyright seriously. No doubt protecting others' copyrights is also important to us. Here are the rules our users must abide by when using our website:

1. You must have rights of the image you want to print.

2. Offensive images are not allowed to be sent. Please do not send images containing explicit sexual content, racist, homophobic, or other ignorant themes, or any images that contain disparaging remarks about other people or companies.

3. Any issues (legal or otherwise) that arise from the creation of Create Yours products displaying your image you are 100% responsible for (Including Customs Confiscation). Any images sent to create custom items are the responsibility of the person who sent them. Create Yours is not liable for any damages due to copyright infringement or the use of restricted images on our products. Please examine your design carefully and know what you are sending before using the Create Yours services to create products.

4. You reserve all rights to your design. You may delete a product at any time. Create Yours does not gain any rights to your images when you send them other than to reproduce on-demand the design for the intended product.

5. Create Yours reserves the right to refuse to print/create products /refusal to deliver parcels with images that violate our upload notices.

6. Create Yours reserves the right to remove product designs without notice from anywhere on the website that is in violation of our notices.

7. Create Yours reserves the rights to the designs we make for you when a design is requested and only after an order is made by you may you reserve the rights to the design Create Yours made for you.

Please contact us if you need clarification on any of our policies at